


作者:Matthew McConaughey





標簽: 傳記 


From the Academy Award®-winning actor, an unconventional memoir filled with raucous stories, outlaw wisdom, and lessons learned the hard way about living with greater satisfaction.

I’ve been in this life for fifty years, been trying to work out its riddle for forty-two, and been keeping diaries of clues to that riddle for the last thirty-five. Notes about successes and failures, joys and sorrows, things that made me marvel, and things that made me laugh out loud. How to be fair. How to have less stress. How to have fun. How to hurt people less. How to get hurt less. How to be a good man. How to have meaning in life. How to be more me.

Recently, I worked up the courage to sit down with those diaries. I found stories I experienced, lessons I learned and forgot, poems, prayers, prescriptions, beliefs about what matters, some great photographs, and a whole bunch of bumper stickers. I found a reliable theme, an approach to living that gave me more satisfaction, at the time, and still: If you know how, and when, to deal with life’s challenges – how to get relative with the inevitable – you can enjoy a state of success I call ‘catching greenlights.’

So I took a one-way ticket to the desert and wrote this book: an album, a record, a story of my life so far. This is fifty years of my sights and seens, felts and figured-outs, cools and shamefuls. Graces, truths, and beauties of brutality. Getting away withs, getting caughts, and getting wets while trying to dance between the raindrops.

Hopefully, it’s medicine that tastes good, a couple of aspirin instead of the infirmary, a spaceship to Mars without needing your pilot’s license, going to church without having to be born again, and laughing through the tears.

It’s a love letter. To life.

It’s also a guide to catching more greenlights-and to realising that the yellows and reds eventually turn green too.

Good luck.


1、Greenlights是作者Matthew McConaughey創作的原創作品,下載鏈接均為網友上傳的網盤鏈接!

2、 提供優質免費的txt、pdf等下載鏈接,所有電子書均為完整版!




  • 關節炎的評論 Genuine personal stories unexpectedly lead to a deep faith proclaiming. Wise and touchy-feely. Mathew’s own vocal performance must be better than text only. I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks to Audible.
  • Succina的評論 Don’t half ass it, McConaughey老爹如是說。推薦Audible作者朗讀版。7個小時聽完看見的英文全部自帶德州口音。
  • 義人青立的評論 性感聲音,豐富經歷,人格魅力,對沒錯他都有,但他真的不是什麼好作傢。個人表達是寶貴的,但他翻來覆去的greenlight讓我感到厭倦,或許聽他的自傳是一個對過於自洽的男人祛魅的過程。
  • Ms.還沒想好的評論 Audible 有聲書,一定要聽!
  • UnderTheWater的評論 我竟然聽瞭八個小時也無法在腦內復刻出他的口音
  • 保護星球的評論 一個ENFJ的真實內心、渴望、和行動。太多金句,一個前輩梳理好瞭所有想說的,讓我們少走一些彎路。infp小姐姐小哥哥們看過來
  • Keara的評論 18歲時被男子騷擾打暈強奸,父親與母親XXOO時死去。
  • conge的評論 也許是2020年出版的最好的演員自傳。
  • Sundial的評論 前段時間看到王敖老師在看,自己找來,居然在生日的今天聽完瞭,推薦各位聽~這幾年下來也真是感覺努力生活就好。男神不用說,這位也是我努力想成為的樣子:The one thing I know I wanna be is a father/mother, and just keep living ^_^
  • 奈兒的評論 喜歡他。想買實體書。️
  • Sunny的評論 作者本身的朗讀給這本書增色不少。小時候的經歷/故事更加有趣些。
  • 的評論 最快聽完的一本自傳瞭 太喜歡 雖然很多軼事早就知道瞭 聽本人講出來有趣程度加成 最帥德州男子非你莫屬!
  • NoSuchDisease的評論 Unless you’re a massive fan, I can’t recommend.
  • Papaya的評論 講老婆那段好溫柔啊。
  • 風情百轉張太嗲的評論 看完瞭感受到Matthew還是一個非常驕傲的德州男!他在澳大利亞那段經歷非常有意思,喜歡他的演習的思維,”what will my man do?!”
  • tw的評論 一個孤獨演員的自傳
  • 低糖奧利奧的評論 原來馬修叔是個詩人+哲學傢+小說傢,一定要聽音頻,他用聲音演繹自己的故事實在精彩!
  • Carolina-777的評論 Men like Matthew are bound to be successful.
  • 彌散的評論 Audible



