This volume deals with the reception of Aristotle’s “Metaphysic”s in the masterpiece on metaphysics by Avicenna (Ibn S?n?, d. 1037 C.E.), one of the major exponents of Arabic philosophy: the “Il?hiyy?t “(Science of Divine Things) of the “Kit?b al-Sif?'” (“Book of the Cure”), known in the Latin Middle Ages as “Liber de Philosophia Prima sive Scientia Divina,” The first part of the book (on the Arabic translations of the “Metaphysics,” al-Kind? and al-F?r?b?) introduces the discussion of Avicenna’s reshaping of the epistemological profile of the “Metaphysics” in Part II (his account of the subject-matter, structure, method and role of metaphysics in the system of sciences) and the recasting of its contents in Part III. The present volume provides the first systematic comparison of the “Il?hiyy?t” with the “Metaphysics” and a comprehensive account of this latter’s transmission in pre-Avicennian Greek and Arabic philosophy.