No Rules RulesEpub+Pdf夸克资源


No Rules RulesEpub+Pdf夸克资源
No Rules Rules

作者:Reed Hastings / Erin Meyer




出版社:Penguin Press

標簽: 管理 


Netflix cofounder Reed Hastings reveals for the first time the unorthodox culture behind one of the world’s most innovative, imaginative, and successful companies

There’s never before been a company like Netflix. Not only because it has led a revolution in the entertainment industries; or because it generates billions of dollars in annual revenue; or even because it is watched by hundreds of millions of people in nearly 200 countries. When Reed Hastings co-founded Netflix, he developed a set of counterintuitive and radical management principles, defying all tradition and expectation, which would allow the company to reinvent itself over and over on the way to becoming one of the most loved brands in the world.

Rejecting the conventional wisdom under which other companies operate, Reed set new standards, valuing people over process, emphasizing innovation over efficiency, and giving employees context, not controls. At Netflix, adequate performance gets a generous severance and hard work is irrelevant. At Netflix, you don’t try to please your boss, you give candid feedback instead. At Netflix, employees never need approval, and the company always pays top of market. When Hastings and his team first devised these principles, the implications were unknown and untested, but over just a short period of time they have led to unprecedented flexibility, speed, and boldness. The culture of freedom and responsibility has allowed the company to constantly grow and change as the world, and its members’ needs, have also transformed.

Here for the first time, Hastings and Erin Meyer, bestselling author of The Culture Map and one of the world’s most influential business thinkers, dive deep into the controversial philosophies at the heart of the Netflix psyche, which have generated results that are the envy of the business world. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with current and past Netflix employees from around the globe and never-before-told stories of trial and error from his own career, No Rules Rules is the full, fascinating, and untold story of a unique company making its mark on the world.


1、No Rules Rules是作者Reed Hastings / Erin Meyer創作的原創作品,下載鏈接均為網友上傳的網盤鏈接!

2、 提供優質免費的txt、pdf等下載鏈接,所有電子書均為完整版!




  • 薑小白的評論 談不上討好人格,但自己算那種conflict-avoidant,因此很佩服Netflix的candor氛圍。freedom跟responsibility的確吸引人,培養的那種talent density很有創造力,但keeper test太嚇人瞭,隻適合這種頂級靠創造力盈利的企業,其它行業沿用日式的管理方法把員工當螺絲釘用的前提是保證員工6分及格8分優秀隻是待遇差別,Netflix這種是要求所有員工9.5分,掉0.5分就要領axe的壓力對我這種平庸來說壓力太大瞭。解釋瞭Netflix在社交網流傳的很多獨特氣質,放棄個人表現而是用市場行情來定漲薪,鼓勵員工接獵頭電話瞭解自己的薪資行情,前提依然是talent density,最後一章蠻有意思的,Dutch員工有趣。
  • Q的評論 在Nexflix,企業不是傢庭,而像一個運動隊,而管理者是教練,教練有責任把最合適的人放在合適的位置上。當效能下降,就要開始做keeper test,而不是去想這個員工是不是nice的傢庭成員。說來恐怖,每個員工都覺得下一刻自己就要被炒,但拿著高於市場價的工資,每個人都會盡責做到最好,從而在netflix請假不需要審批,用錢不需要審批,項目不需要審批。好吧這套隻有羨慕的份。
  • livc的評論 開篇拿 Steve Jobs 演講中的 dots 類比 Netflix 企業文化真的十分恰當:每個 dot 都很難獨立存在,它們必須互相依存才能發揮作用,所有 dots 構成瞭獨一無二的 Netflix。
  • 辰丁的評論 讀瞭前幾章,一句話總結就是挑選好員工並把員工當成年人看待。
  • 幸福往南飛呀飛的評論 No 57 of 2020。這本書必須給五星好評。建立一個一個開放工作環境,能夠不斷讓卓越員工創造價值,最大限度的不受約束的做決定,同時還要避免自大自戀接受批評,最終不斷促進創新文化,促使企業朝著共同的大方向前進。
  • hopelast的評論 對Netflix文化手冊做瞭詳盡的why和how的說明;作為反面參照,痛徹地打臉瞭我們996內卷的“文化”
  • 沙拉勺子的評論 這本書雖然講的也是一些原則,但是因為實例多,再加上netflix和我們息息相關,總能有一顆八卦的心,所以覺得很順暢。我沒看前面那本。Take away:1.only for creative industries;2. All freedom has price. The responsibility and the stress that comes with it is the price you pay for the freedom to grow. 自由的日子真的不容易,因為每天大大小小要做的決定太多。.3.工資這麼高啊,難怪這兩年這年費漲的!最後,netflix現在真的成功。以前斷斷續續的訂閱因為沒什麼可看的,到如今已成為必須有的項目。
  • W的評論 《無招勝有招》《奈飛你學不會》?充滿活力而又競爭殘酷的公司。與上一本《奈飛文化手冊》核心內容重合,上一本是HR的角度,這本是創始人的角度。隻第一步”隻招聘最優秀的人,給予市場最高薪水,並且薪水按照市場行情動態匹配”,99.99%的公司已然做不到。
  • 阿斯巴甜的評論 羨慕這種chaotic文化,彼此坦誠,隨時隨地給出建設性的建議,不設限,包括出差和年假,把精英們聚攏在一起,盡最大可能的推崇自由與創新。不知道在奈飛工作的能不能說說真實情況是否果真如此
  • Grace的評論 前兩章後,我開始瀏覽Netflix的招聘網站,並且還轉發給我覺得適合的人。越到後面越覺得不現實,這些經驗Netflix自己消化吧,其他企業估計沒有幾個能學習借鑒的。
  • Jes在修摩托車的評論 Surprising culture, but ALL depends on the telent density.
  • 銀色子彈的評論 這套制度在中國行的通嗎???
  • Lexie的評論 Netflix is really awesome!!! But this book is not so practical.
  • 柳林致知的評論 讓我更深刻地理解瞭網飛的核心競爭力



