The Pragmatic ProgrammerEpub+Pdf夸克资源


The Pragmatic ProgrammerEpub+Pdf夸克资源
The Pragmatic Programmer

作者:David Thomas / Andrew Hunt




出版社:Addison-Wesley Professional

標簽: 經典 


“One of the most significant books in my life.” —Obie Fernandez, Author, The Rails Way

“Twenty years ago, the first edition of The Pragmatic Programmer completely changed the trajectory of my career. This new edition could do the same for yours.” —Mike Cohn, Author of Succeeding with Agile, Agile Estimating and Planning, and User Stories Applied

“. . . filled with practical advice, both technical and professional, that will serve you and your projects well for years to come.” —Andrea Goulet, CEO, Corgibytes, Founder, LegacyCode.Rocks

“. . . lightning does strike twice, and this book is proof.” —VM (Vicky) Brasseur, Director of Open Source Strategy, Juniper Networks

The Pragmatic Programmer is one of those rare tech books you’ll read, re-read, and read again over the years. Whether you’re new to the field or an experienced practitioner, you’ll come away with fresh insights each and every time.

Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt wrote the first edition of this influential book in 1999 to help their clients create better software and rediscover the joy of coding. These lessons have helped a generation of programmers examine the very essence of software development, independent of any particular language, framework, or methodology, and the Pragmatic philosophy has spawned hundreds of books, screencasts, and audio books, as well as thousands of careers and success stories.

Now, twenty years later, this new edition re-examines what it means to be a modern programmer. Topics range from personal responsibility and career development to architectural techniques for keeping your code flexible and easy to adapt and reuse. Read this book, and you’ll learn how to:

Fight software rot

Learn continuously

Avoid the trap of duplicating knowledge

Write flexible, dynamic, and adaptable code

Harness the power of basic tools

Avoid programming by coincidence

Learn real requirements

Solve the underlying problems of concurrent code

Guard against security vulnerabilities

Build teams of Pragmatic Programmers

Take responsibility for your work and career

Test ruthlessly and effectively, including property-based testing

Implement the Pragmatic Starter Kit

Delight your users

Written as a series of self-contained sections and filled with classic and fresh anecdotes, thoughtful examples, and interesting analogies, The Pragmatic Programmer illustrates the best approaches and major pitfalls of many different aspects of software development. Whether you’re a new coder, an experienced programmer, or a manager responsible for software projects, use these lessons daily, and you’ll quickly see improvements in personal productivity, accuracy, and job satisfaction. You’ll learn skills and develop habits and attitudes that form the foundation for long-term success in your career.

You’ll become a Pragmatic Programmer.

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1、The Pragmatic Programmer是作者David Thomas / Andrew Hunt創作的原創作品,下載鏈接均為網友上傳的網盤鏈接!

2、 提供優質免費的txt、pdf等下載鏈接,所有電子書均為完整版!




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