No FilterEpub+Pdf夸克资源


No FilterEpub+Pdf夸克资源
No Filter

作者:Sarah Frier




出版社:Simon & Schuster

標簽: 商業  互聯網 


“A sequel to The Social Network” —The New York Times

“Deeply reported and beautifully written” —Nick Bilton, Vanity Fair reporter

Award-winning reporter Sarah Frier reveals the never-before-told story of how Instagram became the most culturally defining app of the decade.

In 2010, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger released a photo-sharing app called Instagram, with one simple but irresistible feature: it would make anything you captured through your phone look more beautiful. The cofounders started to cultivate a community of photographers and artisans around the app, but it quickly went mainstream. In less than two years, it caught Facebook’s attention: Mark Zuckerberg bought the company for a historic $1 billion when Instagram was just 13 employees.

That might have been the end of a classic success story. But the cofounders stayed on, trying to maintain Instagram’s beauty, brand, and cachet, considering their app a separate company within the social networking giant. They urged their employees to make changes only when necessary, resisting Facebook’s grow-at-all-costs philosophy in favor of a strategy that highlighted creativity and celebrity. Just as Instagram was about to reach 1 billion users, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg—once supportive of the founders’ autonomy—began to feel threatened by Instagram’s success.

At its heart, No Filter is a human story, as Sarah Frier uncovers how the company’s decisions have fundamentally changed how we interact with the world around us. Frier draws on unprecedented exclusive access—from the founders of Instagram, as well as employees, executives, and competitors; Anna Wintour of Vogue; Kris Jenner of the Kardashian-Jenner empire; and a plethora of influencers, from fashionistas with millions of followers to owners of famous dogs worldwide—to show how Instagram has fundamentally changed the way we shop, eat, travel, and communicate, all while fighting to preserve the values which contributed to the company’s success. No Filter examines how Instagram’s dominance acts as lens into our society today, highlighting our fraught relationship with technology, our desire for perfection, and the battle within tech for its most valuable commodity: our attention.


1、No Filter是作者Sarah Frier創作的原創作品,下載鏈接均為網友上傳的網盤鏈接!

2、 提供優質免費的txt、pdf等下載鏈接,所有電子書均為完整版!




  • yusen的評論 【年度推薦】完整講述瞭Kevin和Mike創辦Instagram到離開公司的故事。關於如何創辦一傢超快速增長的公司,Instagram如何在被收購之後仍然堅持自己的價值觀,同時應對Snapchat帶來的威脅,以及復雜的FB內部人事鬥爭。之前沒有關註過Instagram相關的這一段故事,沒想到Zuckerberg會因為擔心養子Instagram蠶食自己長子Facebook的份額,做出瞭這麼多我覺得很大程度是基於自己情緒和驕傲的決定。
  • iamrebecca的評論 身為ig重度用戶,當看到這本書,第一個用戶、員工、post、filter如何誕生時真的很激動。ig誕生首先是順應瞭移動端的時代,投資者無數次提到這是第一個特意為手機端設計的產品。其次創始人品位好到不行,第一批用戶也是twitter上審美品位好的設計師們,為產品定調。第三,從開始就有很多貴人的幫助(尤其是JackDorsey).印象很深的有當Bieber 團隊去要pay的時候Kevin勇敢拒絕。twitter和fb之間選瞭fb的原因,主要是fb給Kevin更多的自由空間發展(一開始)以及fb擁有一流工程師團隊,之後跟fb之間的博弈其實是零和遊戲。ps:這本書很好的解釋瞭為什麼會有抖音,以及,去哪找一個依然真情的Jack Dorsey啊!!
  • Nova的評論 書名挺有意思的,Instagram 明明就是靠濾鏡起傢的,整本書卻沒有使用濾鏡來講述整個發傢史。
  • S.Z的評論 【2020讀書計劃•081】Ins歷程
  • geeeee的評論 最近幾天晚上讀瞭這本講Instagram發展的新書,goodreads和豆瓣上的評分都還不高,卻是我心中今年最好的創始人和公司傳記。
  • 辰丁的評論 Instagram傳。才知道ins的創始人和紮克伯格還有推特有這麼多故事,他個人喜歡藝術和高品質產品,所以對ins的調性要求比較高。美國社交網站:臉書、推特、Snapchat和ins,有很微妙的競爭關系,被並購後還是遇到瞭與主應用之間的矛盾。ins在國內缺乏對標,照片版的微博或者抖音吧,但本書非常值得一讀,裡面講瞭產品設計、算法改變、社區運營等種種問題。
  • Tree的評論 普通吧 流水賬 不如Chaos Monkey
  • Fantasy的評論 Best acquisition of Silicon Valley, along with Warriors getting KD.
  • 的評論 江湖險惡
  • yuki的評論 流水賬… 大概敘述瞭一下,但我也不用Ig…
  • DullBoy的評論 Zuckerberg的理念細思極恐。看到最後Instagram創辦人愔然退位還真唏噓啊。裏面太多行為現在看來人類過去十年的確被科技改變瞭好多。bug fixes and performance improvements這句話原來來自instagram呀。
  • cuuui的評論 紮克伯格真是又俗嫉妒心又重,還是snapchat又狂又聰明。還記得ins被收那天的新聞,10億當時看真的好多,但19年光營收就200億,很難不讓人覺得可惜,有的時候我們會低估時間和增長的價值,以及缺少對成功的信仰。很好的書,裡面關於ins、facebook和社交媒體對生活和政治的影響都值得一讀。
  • 雨荷在香港的評論 從instagram剛開始不被看好,到被Facebook收購,可FB隻想利用Ins給自己帶流量+賺錢,不想ins發展得比FB還好。。。同類型的推薦2020新出的《Facebook: the inside story》



